Tuesday, December 11, 2007


And then, almost by accident, I got a promotion/new job (at the same organization).

Over the course of the next month or so, I'll stop being a Study Abroad Coordinator (acronym: SAC) and become the Student Affairs Coordinator (acronym: StAC). This is exciting and nerve-wracking and flattering and sad (the latter because I really do like being a SAC and there are things about it - namely working closely with the Academic Directors and students in a particular set of programs - that I'll really miss). Exciting because it's a new position that I'll essentially get to work closely with my supervisor, who is awesome, to create, and it's lots of safety/security and visa stuff, which is right up my various alleys.

The phone message my brother left for me this afternoon sums it up: "Congratulations... I think. Because it sounds like you're excited... you think."


1 comment:

waterskibarb said...

Woo Hoo, way to go! You'll do great in this new positon. Don't fear the fact that it's a newly created role, that gives you an even better platform to make it into what you want it to be.