Tuesday, July 10, 2007

this is me blogging from ireland

This week is amazing beyond description. WOW.

A few things I love:

1. singing for hours and hours every day, and not getting tired of it
2. harmony
3. the weirdest time signatures I've ever seen
4. wonderful people of all ages and several accents, including...
5. a fabulous Scottish woman named Alynn who has wonderful stories and a warm and adventurous spirit, and who I want to be someday
6. taking 45 minutes to myself every day (well, almost) to run the unbelievably narrow back roads. Today I crested a hill and saw the ocean in the distance
7. sunset at 10:00pm; actual darkness around midnight
8. sessions (i.e. people playing Irish music in every little bar in every little village in Ireland while other people - at this time of year mostly tourists, to whom, because some of our group are Irish, we are of course considering ourselves entirely superior - drink Guinness or whiskey and soak it in)

Speaking of which... it's time to go!

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