Friday, July 4, 2008

i [heart] big colorful explosions in the sky

I should not be blogging right now, no no. I should be finishing up packing for my Glorious Week Of Vacation and getting to bed. I need to be out the door around 6am to catch my flight to North Carolina. Sweet, sweet vacation. Sweet week of singing and fiddling and harmonizing and geeking out about music with lovely people in a really beautiful place. Have I mentioned how totally absurdly excited I am? It is past time for a week away.

But I just wanted to say one thing tonight: Despite all the things my country does that make me so angry and horrified and sad, and despite what it says about us that we celebrate our country by shooting off big explosions (fitting, no?), OHMYGOD fireworks are so cool. Fireworks in Wilmington, VT, no less. Wow.

So, I wanted to say that. And then I realized that I said pretty much the same thing last year. At least I'm consistent on a few things in life.

Now, to music camp! See you on the flip side~

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