Thursday, July 24, 2008

as it turns out

No cookies were necessary.


August 15 is The Day - the day I get to take on the privilege of paying rent for two different apartments simultaneously, since my current lease runs until September 1. But it will be worth it to get to move over the course of a couple weeks instead of one horrid day as usually happens. Volunteers will be welcome :) I will help you move in return. Many people can attest.

And thank goodness this got worked out today, because the rest of my workday was a bit of a three-ring circus. I can't say more than that without saying too much about my workplace on the internet. Let's just say, my approach of keeping my expectations low so as not to be disappointed is serving me well. Sadly, I think this is probably good advice for just about any workplace. For your sake I hope you disagree.

In entirely different news, because you totally needed to know this: I just made some kick-ass zucchini bread. And if you are going to be at the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival this weekend, come find me; I made it to share.

1 comment:

Moti and Amanda said...


(I am no help moving with my wrists these days, but tell me when you'll have a few folks there and I'll bring food.)

love from the cows,