Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I found the (seemingly) perfect apartment yesterday. Looked at it over lunch hour and faxed in my rental application - complete with cover letter - about 15 minutes after returning to the office. They want someone for August 1, which really isn't that far away, though I hope they let me move in at the end of August without having to pay rent for the whole month, since I'll still be paying rent at my current house. But I would pay both if I had to. It's that great.

I hereby apologize for the fact that no matter what I'm doing or what we're talking about in the next few days (they can't take longer than a few days, can they? CAN THEY???), I will be somewhat distracted by the part of my brain simply repeating over and over "I really want that apartment, I can't wait to hear about that apartment." Really. I'm sorry. If you think you're annoyed by it...

Anyway, I'm considering taking the rental company fresh-baked cookies. Overkill?


Joey said...

I hope you get it!

There's an opportunity here in your impatience:

Ask yourself-- why are you so attached to the idea of living in this great apartment as to obsess over it? If you were content, couldn't you be just as happy anywhere? Why are you so afraid of not getting it? (If you weren't, would you be obsessing?)

In my own life I find that when I get so excited about something as to obsess over it, it's a big red flag-- The obsession has almost nothing to do with the thing I'm attached to, but is a reaction to something deeper... I'm seeking a panacea... or running away from something...

And yes, I do know that you have to move anyway, so the place might as well be nice!

Dunno if it's your case. But my Buddha felt the need to give a holler at this...

The Monkeyhippy said...

I totally hear you and your Buddha, and that is interesting to think about. And, my dear, remember who you're talking to here. I obsess about everything from apartments to tomatoes to maps of Bhutan. I'm just that kind of person. Plus my housing experiences in NYC made me doubt my luck and worth in this area, not to mention the general goodness of humanity, so a lot of impatience stems from feeling like I'm probably going to get screwed over. Sad, but true. That's what the city does to you.