Monday, May 7, 2007

starting the week off right

One motivational trick that gets me to the gym is the fact that I don't have a TV at home (well, there is one, but it doesn't get any actual channels, so it doesn't count), but my gym has two cable TVs in the cardio area. Meaning I can still get my morning fix of SportsCenter.

Yes, I'm a girl, and I really like sports, and I watch SportsCenter. Theoretically men are supposed to fall head-over-heels for this, but leave it to me to know a lot of men who couldn't care less. Just my luck. But I digress...

Anyway, this morning they were talking about this
new poll from ESPN, which reminds us that there is still a significant racial divide in this country which manifests itself in interesting ways. (In fact, I think sports in the United States tell us a ton about race and class issues in this country. Try starting THAT conversation at your next SuperBowl party; you'll be a hit.)

I think one reason I like sports (and ESPN) is that it's great for ADD - before you've digested one story, they're off on a whole other topic. For example, while I was thinking about the Bonds poll and how unsurprising it is (to me), they gave me something definitely surprising, in the you'vegottobekiddingmethat'sawesome category:

Chess Boxing.

Have a great week!

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