Friday, May 18, 2007

for the record, i haven't seen any naked people... yet

I have so many thoughts on this, but for now I'll just let the article speak for itelf.

Oh, except I really want to know where "Brattleboro resident Teresa Toney" thinks indecent exposure does belong.


Joey said...

' With nudists likely to pop up anywhere, he said, "I am concerned we don't know where they are going to strike." '

Clearly this is exact kind of scenario that calls for a pre-emptive Homeland Security.

Better yet... call the Morris Dancers... *We'll* show them what *real* nudity is like!

justacoolcat said...

I think the male nudists are only likely to pop up in one place.

The Monkeyhippy said...

Now THAT'S indecent. What would I do without friends like you?