Tuesday, March 6, 2007

a lousy spy, and some lousy luck

It is unique and strange to have the opportunity to begin one job before leaving another, particularly when those jobs are somewhat similar. I feel a little bit like a spy. One who doesn't have the energy to report back what she's learned from the other side.

I just returned to New York City after my first two days at SIT, and I have to say, I feel a little schizophrenic*. One part of my brain must function in a world in which I know my job very well, know the systems and files and protocols that characterize AJWS, and have a million things to accomplish before the sun rises tomorrow. The (or an) other part is sort of empty, needing to be filled with the trillion and one pieces of information and systems and procedures, etc., that characterize SIT Study Abroad. I'm very glad I don't have to force those to parts into coexistence for very long, because oh man is it tiring.

Side note: on the systems-and-procedures scoreboard, SIT totally kicks AJWS's ass. It's exciting to be at an organization that's been doing this work for a long time and is very clear on its mission and goals and audience and message. Really exciting. Nothing against AJWS at all. It's just very young and, frankly, pretty confused in some ways, I think.

On yet another depressing note, I just got an email from a high school friend who kicked cancer once only to have it come back, and the second round didn't really go her way. The score is now tied 1-1, and she is about to undergo some hardcore chemo that, frankly, will either kill the cancer or will kill her. So I ask this of you: if you have good health, a home, people who love you, all that jazz... please hug your loved ones and thank your stars and put some good energy into this world. Please think of my friends, whether you know them or not, and hold them in the light. Will it help? Who knows. But it can't hurt, and if nothing else I hope it makes us all glance toward whatever power of the universe we put faith in, and say a big fat thank you.

Now I have to put some stuff into boxes. Because that is what fills the other part of my brain right now.

*with all apologies to people who suffer from real schizophrenia; of course I have no idea what it's like to actually suffer from that illness.

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