Thursday, March 8, 2007

as of thursday

Last night I left the office at 9:30pm. I missed my own farewell happy hour. I've worked 33 hours at my New York job this week. That averages out to a little more than four 8-hour days. Great, except I worked two full days in Vermont this week too.

bitch bitch bitch...


Do you ever wonder if your perception of the world is actually entirely different than most people's? I'm not a believer in the "one reality" concept, so I believe we all have different perceptions of the world to a certain extent. So no one's version of reality can really be "wrong." But what if you go around thinking that your version matches up pretty well with that of the majority of people, but actually it's totally different? Would anyone tell you? Would you be able to handle it if someone did? What would you do? What if you were operating your life under a totally different set of assumptions than just about everyone else, and you didn't realize it?

I think the world might be a better place if we all allowed, even just a tiny bit, for that possibility.

It would certainly be a bit more interesting.

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