Wednesday, November 28, 2007

boiling frogs*

Here is a really interesting antidote (I wouldn't say "solution" because that sounds too... optimistic) to our out-of-control energy usage and subsequent pollution problems. It's really a fascinating idea. And the article is a good discussion of why, between the highly protected energy industry and our desire to save the world only through sexy product purchases instead of real lifestyle changes, this technology may well not make it into the mainstream. But it should.

*It is said that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, s/he would jump right back out, but if you put a frog into a pot of cool water and slowly raise the temperature to boiling, they never quite register the danger (until it's too late). No, I have not and would not test the thruth of this anecdote, but to me it's a striking metaphor for what we humans are currently doing to ourselves.

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