Tuesday, October 2, 2007

random notes on food and sustainability

1) The Monterey (CA) Aquarium has a really great area of their website full of information about oceans and conservation, including this handy downloadable pocket guide to seafood. Ever stand at a restaurant or grocery store wishing you could remeber which kinds of seafood are safe and sustainable? Now you can.

2) I've been eating carrots from my CSA farm all summer, and this afternoon I ate a baby carrot offered from a big bag a coworker bought at the supermarket. I don't think I can ever eat
supermarket/factory farm carrots again. If they're organic... maybe. I seriously can't even describe the taste difference. All I can think of is that it's like eating a slice of fresh, home-baked whole wheat bread and then eating sawdust.

3) For the record, I've never actually eaten sawdust.

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