Thursday, June 7, 2007

thursday randomness (warning: many hyperlinks)

1. My coworker saw a black bear cub on the way to work this morning!

2. Tonight I'm going to a concert given by an amazing kora player from Mali (West Africa) at a fabulous little bookstore down in Massachusetts. Then I'll walk over to the town grange hall for the first in a new "First Thursday" (of the month) contra dance series being put together by my kick-ass friend Rebecca. World-class Malian music, a contra dance, a wonderful bookstore, and lots of friends throughout. And it's not even the weekend yet!

3. My lunch today was a huge salad of fresh spinach from my CSA, organic strawberries from the co-op, crumbled feta and chopped walnuts. And some balsamic vinegar mixed with a bit of walnut oil. YUM. It's true, food that's local (the spinach) and in season (spinach and strawberries) really does taste better.

4. I hope your day is as good as mine.

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