Friday, April 13, 2007

go figure

The two people who know exactly who I'm talking about will find this more amusing than anyone else, but to share a quick story:

A Jamaican guy who works at the resort I went to last week asked for my phone number (because I possess the irresistible qualities of being both female AND single, a combination that's rare at a family-oriented vacation place), and, because I have too much of a penchant for doing things just to see what will happen, I gave it to him. And guess what... he's been calling me every day.

I have two good excuses for why I haven't actually spoken to him yet (besides the fact that I told him very honestly that I hate to talk on the phone) - he calls while I'm at work, AND he doesn't leave his number. Would I call it if he did? Probably not, but you're missing the point. What is the point? Umm... maybe it's that it's just a little bit satisfying to know that despite the leprosy, I apparently didn't look completely hideous.

The other point is that this may be my first post to make me really think hard about the fact that my mom reads my blog.

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