Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oddly Enough

I'm thinking of re-starting this whole endeavor, this blogging thing. It keeps coming up in conversation, which is odd for something that's been asleep over two years (though I suppose if I'd been asleep for over two years, people would be talking about me too) (ba-dum-CHING). People who are more or less strangers have been stumbling on it and encouraging me to write again.

And I miss it; I miss how this space helps me process the ever-growing variety of crazy things that I see and learn and do and think about in my daily life, and I miss the process of crafting a post (yes, I would call it "crafting"... believe it or not, actual thought goes into these things).

I also have no time; far less time to process and craft than had when I used to post regularly. Life has changed tremendously in the interim, and then changed again. I am a graduate student in Boston now, in a dual-degree program that keeps me quite busy, not to mention the many grad school- and friends- and Boston-related opportunities that are usually a bit more interesting and education than schoolwork, if we're being honest. And I'm traveling a lot these days. And I just agreed to write now and then for a friend's Latin America-focused blog. And my brother is getting married this autumn, which is relevant partly because it means that all of my creative writing energy should currently be devoted to the toast I will be tearfully delivering at the wedding (that's the only thing I can confidently predict about that toast: it will be delivered tearfully). And I'm supposedly running a half-marathon in October. And I'm dating a nice guy who has already nearly given up on ever seeing me.

So, I'm not saying I'm going to restart. Just that I'm thinking about it. I'll let you know.

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