Thursday, November 6, 2008

unreal in mn

236 votes. Out of 2,422,848. (How that is "nearly 3 million," as the Star Tribune suggests, is a little bit of a mystery to me, but whatever.)

236. And anyone doubts that their vote matters?

UPDATE: Aha, I know how that's "nearly 3 million" - it doesn't include the 15% of the vote that went to the Independent candidate, Dean Barkley. And anyone doubts that runoff voting is a good idea?


Anonymous said...

Have there been an unusual amount of agonizingly close/slow races this year, or have I just been paying more attention?

waterskibarb said...

If they have runoffs, do they start campaigning again? Oh man, I may have to move.

The Monkeyhippy said...

I should have said INSTANT runoff voting( Same idea, without having to listen to them talk anymore :)